What Does Muir Fresh Harvest Offer You?

Muir Fresh Harvest is a great way to get extremely fresh produce and specialty foods for approx. 50% off of retail pricing!

We offer a "Bundle" packed full of a variety of fruits, veggies, local artisan foods, specialty produce and local produce. We strive to provide you with the best quality ingredients for a healthy life! This Bundle is available every two weeks at "pick up locations" throughout the Salt Lake Valley. Please take a moment to review our "Bundle Offerings" and place your order today to start eating fresh with Muir Fresh Harvest! Your taste buds will thank you!

~Sincerely, Laura Muir

Friday, September 2, 2011

Notice: We are replacing all Peach Case orders from the last bundle on 8-23-11

Dear customers, this message is to all who ordered Peach cases last time. We were not happy about the poor quality issues, and are giving everyone replacement cases of Local Utah Peaches out of Santaquin. They are Much Much better. Please check your emails to see the detailed message I sent all of you.

If you ordered through a friend, they would have received the email, so check with them. Please let me know if you have any questions. Email me at laurafreshharvest@gmail.com

Thank you for understanding that these things just happen sometimes in the Produce Industry, and we strive to always provide you with the best quality ingredients. We will be so happy to deliver those replacement peach cases to you at the 9-06-11 Bundle drops. Thanks!
~Laura Muir
Muir Fresh Harvest

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