What Does Muir Fresh Harvest Offer You?

Muir Fresh Harvest is a great way to get extremely fresh produce and specialty foods for approx. 50% off of retail pricing!

We offer a "Bundle" packed full of a variety of fruits, veggies, local artisan foods, specialty produce and local produce. We strive to provide you with the best quality ingredients for a healthy life! This Bundle is available every two weeks at "pick up locations" throughout the Salt Lake Valley. Please take a moment to review our "Bundle Offerings" and place your order today to start eating fresh with Muir Fresh Harvest! Your taste buds will thank you!

~Sincerely, Laura Muir

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thanks to all who participated in our 9-20-11 Bundle!

We are excited to see you all tonight at the bundle pick up locations! Cant wait to take home my bundle too! It is going to be a good one!
~Laura Muir
Muir Fresh Harvest

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